GPCC Person-centred care research centre web site
This research centre web site contains a range of information, films, presentations, resources and links; from basic information on person-centred care to information on a wide range of individual research projects from health and elderly care and rehabilitation. It also contains news, events, scientific publications and implementation.
The Gothenburg University Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC) is an interdisciplinary research centre, established in January 2010, with the support of the Swedish government's strategic investment in health and care research. Uniquely GPCC has evaluated the effects of person-centred care in controlled studies. This has established that person-centred care is capable of enhancing the efficiency of the care process. Apart from considerable monetary savings resulting from amongst other things shorter hospital stays, significant positive effects from a patient perspective have been seen, as care is adapted to each individual person and his or her resources are made use of.
(A summary commentary on GPCC was published in BMJ Feb 2015. http://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h160.long)
- Source:
- Gothenburg University Centre for Person-centred Care