IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Social media visual

Help us spread the word about the Framework on integrated people-centred health services and its web platform by using the hashtag #IntegratedCare4People on your social media accounts.

Suggested hashtags:

Main hashtag: #IntegratedCare4People

Additional hashtags to link to related health conversations: #UHC, #SDGs, #integratedcare, #HealthForAll, #globalhealth, #primaryhealthcare, #healthsystems

Suggested messages:

#IntegratedCare4People is central to #UCH and reaching the #SDGs

What if #health was organized around people's needs rather than diseases? #IntegratedCare4People

Placing people at the heart of #healthservices and #health systems with #IntegratedCare4People

Suggested visuals are available under the URL below.