IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services

Who is responsible for processing your data?

Identity: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública S.A. (Andalusian School of Public Health)

Postal Address: Calle Cuesta del Observatorio 4, 18011 - Granada, Spain

Telephone: +34 958 027 400

E-mail: protecciondedatos.easp@juntadeandalucia.es

Data Protection Officer: dpd.csalud@juntadeandalucia.es

Who is the Data Protection Officer of the Andalusian School of Public Health and how can you contact him?

The Data Protection Officer is the person in charge of protecting the fundamental right to the protection of personal data in the EASP and is responsible for compliance with data protection regulations. You can contact the Data Protection Delegate of the Andalusian School of Public Health at the following address: dpd.csalud@juntadeandalucia.es

What do we use your personal data for?

At the Andalusian School of Public Health, as a WHO collaborating centre, we treat the information provided by interested parties with the aim to give support to the implementation of the WHO Framework on integrated people-centred health services. See more here.

How long will we keep your data?

The data provided shall be retained as long as no request for their deletion is made by the data subject.

To whom will we communicate your data?

The Andalusian School of Public Health will not pass on your personal data to third parties, unless we are obliged to do so by law.

What are your rights when you give us your details?

  1. Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we at the Andalusian School of Public Health are processing personal data concerning them.
  2. Data subjects have the right to access their personal data, as well as the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their erasure when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  3. In certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data.
  4. The Andalusian School of Public Health will no longer process the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.
  5. Registered users can receive the personal data provided by them in an electronic format upon request.

You can exercise your rights through:

  1. protecciondedatos.easp@juntadeandalucia.es
  2. Andalusian School of Public Health, Cuesta de Observatorio 4, 18011 - Granada, Spain

To exercise your rights, a copy of your ID card or equivalent document proving your identity must accompany your request. The exercise of these rights is free of charge.

If you think that we have not treated your personal data in accordance with the law, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at dpd.csalud@juntadeandalucia.es. However, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es).