IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services



On 14 November 2016 the WHO Service Delivery and Safety Department launched the Global Learning Laboratory (GLL) for Quality Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in a world café satellite session at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Vancouver, Canada.

Colleagues from across the globe discussed questions and engaged fellow participants on four topics: national quality policy & strategy; quality interventions, monitoring & research; and resilience & health security – all in the context of advancing quality of care in countries working toward UHC. WHO Service Delivery and Safety Director, Dr Ed Kelley, opened the session emphasizing the spirit of the lab focused on mutual learning . Dr Shams Syed described the purpose of the GLL, highlighting the importance of the share-challenge-spark triad. USAID ASSIST colleagues Lani Marquez and Nancy Dixon oversaw the world café that engaged participants.

Many ideas were presented and discussed at the event, which are being synthesized to feed into the learning lab. A scattering of interesting perspectives shared below…

  • “Having a people-centered approach is key to quality.”
  • “Need to assist policy makers [with developing] skills to engage with and respond to person-centered care.”
  • “…interventions must combine supply and demand side, including mobilizing citizens groups, civil society…”
  • “need to instill professional value of patient-centered care (in pre-service training, professional association code of conduct).”
  • “We have mystified UHC! Quality of care indicators should ‘tell the story’ of quality UHC”
  • “How well you treat patients (adherence to standards) is a key measure”
  • “Minimum conditions of quality [need to exist] – if there is no water…what kind of quality is that?”
  • “Live time sharing, exchanges and lessons learned is key.”

People from all over the world are joining the GLL to discuss their experiences on quality in the context of UHC. From Washington DC to villages in South-East Asia, there is much to be learned and shared. Indeed, we need to challenge each other and spark new thinking. We invite you to join the conversation in the Forum of the Global Learning Laboratory for Quality UHC and to become of member of this ambitious and dynamic group! Please contact us at gll4quhc@who.int for further information.