Newsletter 24
February 2024

A digest of successful transformation stories, news and
other resources available on
Transforming Primary Health Care: from Spain to Europe

Primary Health Care (PHC) stands as the principal interface between the health system and communities – the locus where the formalized system meshes with people's lives. More than that, primary health care can shape and reshape health systems to make them more accessible, more integrated and more sustainable. 
This international symposium will bring together health stakeholders and PHC enthusiasts from within Spain and Europe with the aim of presenting two key publications coordinated by Spain's Ministry of Health, WHO, and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. 

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Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer
Primary health care (PHC) has values – around treating people close to home, continuity and coordination. It stands as the principal interface between the health system and communities – the locus where the formalized system meshes with people’s lives. More than that, primary health care can shape and reshape health systems to make them more accessible, more integrated and more sustainable. 
Unpacking person-centred PHC: What do people and communities really care about? 
In the upcoming episode of "Let’s Talk PHC," we'll delve into the complexities of person-centered care, exploring exemplary cases and actionable strategies, such as empowering healthcare professionals. Join us for the discussion! • How can we effectively articulate the concept of person-centred care? • What are the key challenges involved in delivering person-centred care? • Which evidence-based practices and measurement tools should take precedence for guidance?
Webinar: National quality and patient safety policies within the framework of the Primary Health Care strategy

This event aims to create a space for regional reflection and debate on the challenges in designing and implementing quality and patient safety policies, emphasizing the inclusion of the PHC strategy and coordination with other health policies and programs. Additionally, it seeks to initiate a discussion on the challenges related to monitoring and evaluating the impact of plans and strategies, incorporating a territorial perspective to identify gaps, needs and opportunities for improvement.

Also, the event intends to provide a space for sharing experiences and challenges in the development and implementation of national policies, strategies and plans for quality and patient safety in the Region.

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Primary health care transformation in Spain: current challenges and opportunities: primary health care paper series

In Spain, primary health care (‎PHC)‎ has played an important role in achieving good health outcomes among the population. Since the turn of the 21st century, PHC has shown signs of fragility. In the aftermath of the coronavirus disease (‎COVID-19)‎ pandemic, the PHC system in Spain is at a crossroads, also driven by changes in demography, population health-care needs and expectations and innovation.

This case study has two overarching aims. First, to inform and support the dialogue among actors in Spain’s health-care system about how to move forward and strengthen PHC; and second, to provide a snapshot of the PHC model of care in Spain to an international audience. To achieve these aims, this case study focuses on providing a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the PHC system, how it is performing and how the providers and decision-makers perceive the key challenges and opportunities.

The case study concludes with a set of recommendations to enhance the development and sustainability of PHC in the broader health-care system in Spain.

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Addressing climate change and primary health care

To achieve good health and wellbeing we must address Climate Change. Primary health care is in a unique position to promote knowledge about, and behaviour change to, tackle climate change to improve both individual and planetary health. Primary Care also needs to do more to support the shift to net zero by integrating sustainability into practice.

​In this seminar, the Primary Health Care Interest Group have collaborated with World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) working party on Planetary Health to examine the different roles primary health care can and should play to protect the health of patients, communities and the planet.

Learn more about and watch back previous sessions run by LSHTM’s Primary Health Care Interest Group.

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Any IPCHS-related content or news worthy to share?